You see, „oral“ refers to the spoken language, while „verbal“ refers either to spoken or written language. A homophone for „oral“ is the word „aural“ that refers to hearing. In Virginia law, lawyers have oral arguments, judges listen to them in a sonorous way, and everyone goes around a lot of oral documents – written. In Virginia divorce, oral agreements, as the saying says, are worth the paper on which they are printed. In addition, the Tribunal pays tribute only to the legal and binding documents it considers to be binding. Even if both parties agree to reduce the amount of child benefit, eliminate support payments or otherwise distribute their lay assets, the Family Law Division may terminate the oral agreement. An oral agreement, which can also be characterized as an oral contract, is an agreement reached without a formal written contract. Simple oral chords can be the product of the procedure, such as who will do dishes or who will take the dog for a walk every day. With oral or oral chords, no document is executed showing that a party will wash dishes or go the dog, but it is understood by both parties in spoken terms. Whether you call them oral or oral agreements, we assume that you refer only to one pact that has been written only in speech and not in speech.
If you and your ex-wife have reached an agreement on custody of your children, education time or a visit plan, your two lawyers will have an easier time to draft the written agreement. Divorce is never easy. There are many factors to consider and great changes to work. In addition, life is not the same when couples enter into a divorce contract. In these difficult times, some husbands and fathers will unintentionally do more harm to their own cases by not requesting that important agreements be recorded in writing. My ex-wife and I have closed a verbal custody contract for 50-50 children since our divorce a few years ago. Scott Trout, managing partner and CEO of Cordell-Cordell, spoke in the man divorce podcast about how a former client had entered into a verbal agreement with his ex-spouse, a lower amount than indicated by the executive order, and had written evidence of the verbal agreement.