As with contracts, secondments can be used for professional development in order to gain broad knowledge and experience and to build the capacity of the basic public administration. In the event of discrepancies in the interpretation of collective agreements, the appeal procedure was applied to resolve these differences. As a result, case law has been established by adjudicators/arbitrators and courts. It was the experience of the number of actors. As a lateral movement, sending allows an employee to perform the functions of an existing position or take over a specific project in another organization. The employee maintains his or her substantive position in the home organization and is paid by the home organization. A posting agreement signifies acceptance of that agreement and must clearly indicate that the worker returns to his or her material position once the posting is complete. The agreement is signed between you, the Deputy Director of your home organization and the Director of the host organization. Participants must meet the necessary assurance checks and security statements from the host organization. Employees of the core public administration may not use Interchange Canada for departmental personnel engagements. How long can IC missions last? IC grants can last up to three consecutive years, whether the award takes place during that period with one or more organizations.
In exceptional cases, missions may be extended by the Deputy Chief for a maximum of two additional consecutive years. There is a minimum period of two years before a former participant can re-participate in Interchange Canada. How does payment of benefits work while I am at Interchange Canada? It is expected that an officer in the context of an IC mission will receive a performance allowance. See Annex D of the Performance Management Programme (PMP) Directive for managers surplus managers dismissed during tasks ic are not eligible as a priority for reinstatement in the core public administration. How do I get an IC order with APEX? The Association of Professional Public Service Administrators of Canada (APEX) includes a secretariat consisting of a number of APEX (AE) executive positions and permanent employees to support the management of the office. AEs are members of the executive team. Each AE normally maintains one or more files within APEX, including the organization of the annual APEX symposium; planning and implementing executive health support activities; supporting and providing services and activities to APEX members; assist the CEO in engaging in membership/stakeholders/strategic policies; the organization of the annual ceremony for the introduction of new ENs; assist managers in developing products related to working conditions; Provide anonymous consulting services to executives and assist APEX in providing communications….