Boot Barn Credit Agreement

Boat Barn Holdings Inc. – January 25, 2017 co, units in an amendment No. 1 credit contract of June 29, 2015 taking into account the high cost of litigation, not only in dollars, but in dollars and energy, you and accept that any dispute between you and in any way from these conditions, any purchase of , any communication between you and or your participation in another program or service, provided by, are resolved by binding individual arbitration, unless you contradict this arbitration agreement with the procedure outlined below. You understand and accept that you are waiving your right to sue or to go to court to assert or defend your rights. However, you or may assert an individual right before a small settlement court, which is within the applicable jurisdictional and $against limits, provided they are invoked and maintained as individual rights. The term „litigation“ refers to any dispute, action, request or other controversy between you and, whether in contract, warranty, unlawful act, law, settlement, settlement or any other legal or fair basis. „Litigation“ is the broadest possible meaning that is authorized by law Each arbitration procedure is done on an individual basis. The arbitrator has the power to resolve the dispute with the same remedies before the courts, but any relief must be individualized to you and has no influence on another client. You and also agree that any action against the other in arbitration proceedings can only be brought into your or their respective individual capacities and that here matter waive the right to a jury trial to confirm or participate in a class action, class action or private general arbitration tribunal. and any class action or consolidated or any collective or consolidated arbitration of any kind.

When a court decides that the restrictions of this paragraph are considered invalid or unenforceable, any presumed class, private attorney general or representative action must be brought before a court competent for good jurisdiction, not arbitration proceedings. A: Yes, we accept PayPal. However, we do not accept cheques and CODs. Money orders must be sent through a payment order agreement that must be requested by e-mail. Please note that orders placed with a payment order will be refunded by a cheque. Each party may initiate arbitration proceedings by the American Arbitration Association („AAA“) in accordance with its consumerist arbitration rules („AAA Rules“) as amended by this arbitration agreement. The AAA rules can be found on the AAA website or by phone at AAA at (800) 778-7879. In the event that the AAA is not available or is unwilling to consult the dispute, the parties accept or select another arbitrator.