The agreement, building on the Scottish Government`s most important commitments to invest $15 billion in health and health care services, pay for child poverty and expand early education and childcare, it will not be: it is not certain that the President will approve the agreement reached by congressional leaders, but they are confident that Finance Minister Steven Mnuchin`s active participation in the brand will negotiate the will. President to sign bills if passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate. Last year, the president launched a congressional agreement that led to a long government ceasefire. The Council of the EU and the European Parliament today reached an agreement on the EU budget for the period 2021-2027, bringing the bloc closer to the implementation of its historic recovery plan of 1,800 billion euros. The deal also omits a request from Trump to replenish $3.6 billion in military funds he converted earlier this year to fund border walls. On the other hand, the agreement does not seek to limit the president`s power to transform other expenses for the construction of the wall. Democrats may have felt comfortable with the compromise following a recent decision in the Federal District Court of Texas and decided that the president could not tap into existing military construction to supplement wall funding. The Trump administration has appealed the verdict. The advantage is that this is the last short-term budget agreement needed to avoid automatic flat-rate spending cuts, known as Sequester and passed in a 2011 finance bill that was supposed to reduce $1.2 trillion over the past decade. The Sequester expires in 2021. The final agreement will increase support for young people, police, climate change and local communities. In a sudden outbreak of activity, congressional leaders this week reached an interim agreement on the 12 annual accounts for fiscal year 2020, which began on October 1.
The agreement will avoid a government truce on Friday, December 20, provided the bills are effectively passed on time and signed by President Trump. Votes are expected as early as Tuesday. „I am pleased to have reached an agreement to adopt the Scottish budget and ensure the safety of vital municipalities, businesses and public services, particularly in light of the uncertainty created by the UK government`s decision to delay its budget.